» Are you ready to peace out?

Are you ready to peace out?

Yes, it’s coming, in less than 48 hours! The amazing community arts festival that is Peace in the Park is happening on Saturday 9th June and we can’t wait! Last night the Trustees plus a few extra pals met to sort out the prizes for the stall tombola (thanks to Phil and Helen for some particularly winable prizes this year!) and to get all the crafty bits and bobs together.

We’ve got 15 people confirmed to help with bucket shaking on the day too, which is excellent news- thanks to those who have already signed up! Don’t worry if you haven’t got round to it, just come and find our stall (near the Info tent on the ‘Love’ field halfway down the park) to get shaking on the day itself!

We’ll need people all day, from 12-8pm, so it’s never too late to sign up!


Confused about where this event is happening? See map below, or click here.

If you don’t fancy bucket shaking but you want to help out in other ways, the good news is… you can! Just come along to the stall and give us a hand with the banner we’ll be making, and with the amazing tombola.

We look forward to seeing you on the day!

June 7th, 2012


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